Monday, 30 July 2012

Cardiff to Bristol

Thursday 26th July
( Route and photos )
 It was a treat to have Tom and George (younger sons) with me for the sail across to Bristol - though it was another very early start to catch the Bristol Channel flood tide.
Although I lived in Bristol for many years, this was my first local sail. The water flows so briskly up and down that sediment never settles, and the sea looks like oxtail soup (cf. Thames Estuary is more the colour of caramel). Never mind, it was flowing fast enough to get us into the beautiful lower reaches of the River Avon by lunchtime. Here's the well-known Clifton suspension bridge.
 Once through the lock and bridges (you feel awfully privileged when they open them for you and your little boat!), we paid our dues and found a mooring near the middle of the city, alongside the illustrious Matthew.
Now I await expertise to help fix engine trouble; do some minor repairs; visit family; tidy up; await new no more blogging for a while. We'll head for the Scillies next.

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